Saturday, 26 June 2010

And at last! Completion!!

I've finally finished Brianna's top! and hopefully added another picture of a project for Ravelry since it didn't have one for this pattern. Here it is in all its finally glory!

There were a few things I'd change if I knit this again (which I wont be!). The armholes should really continue decreasing until you start the straps otherwise you end up with these knitted wings sticking out past your arms. I ended up having to fold them over and tack them down. It just ruined the whole look of the thing!
Also, the girl modelling this top in the book must be tiny! because it really isn't the most flattering of shapes for busty hippy women. The lace edging is nice though and really does cling at your hips but the whole thing then billowing over it does tend to detract from it.
But it's done and its what Dear Daughter wanted so I sent it up to Albany with her Father today. Apparently she loves it but we'll see whether she holds to that after she's worn it for a while. There are a lot of things I'd change if I'd known before I started but that's life!
And it is lovely and warm :)
Keep Knitting :)

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Ben's Baptism

Such a special day today! Ben Fowler got Baptised!!
My eldest child, the one who always has a big smile for the world, who is gregarious and open and oh! so many things that I wish I had even a tiny part of instead of being anxious and scared all the time!! made his stand for Christ today and we were all so proud I could burst!
But I didn't. Instead I cried throughout the service!!
Hubbie, myself, dear daughter and youngest boy all made the trek from Walpole, starting at 4.09am! to make sure we got to Ben's with plenty of time...which we did :)
Many photos were taken but these are the only two I have at the moment which I pinched from niece Brittany's facebook. Thanks :)

Here is Ben, suddenly aware that the baptismal was filled YESTERDAY and no one has thought to add some MORE warm water, since the warm water run yesterday isn't warm NOW!
Dave Juniper noticed this too.

And here he is, post dip wondering how difficult it is to get a heart attack after quick immersion into icy water.
Fortunately, he survived :)

So proud of you, Darling. You give me so much hope!

May the Lord continue to bless you :)
Love you!


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Op Shop Finds

Since I'm still slogging along on Brianna's top I haven't have much to say of late but I did score some great books at our local op shop.
Well...I think they're great anyway :)

These are all around the 70's era but full of really helpful stuff, like dressmaking tips and even a section on beginning bobbin lace! I may defeat my nemisis yet!!

Also got a few 70-80's loose patterns and a few notions and bits of material but I'm enjoying the books. There are 18 of them and I've flicked through them all so far and I hope to leaf through them a little more thoroughly and trully appreciate them in the days to come.
Ah, books.
I love them :)
Keep Knitting!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Finally, Crochet Critter!

I've often looked at those cute little figures that a lot of people seem to crochet, they've got a japanese name, starts with A? So I thought I would give it a try. Can't be too difficult, right?
Well, difficult, no. Fiddly? YES!! But I got it done!

This is my guy next to the pic of the pattern. The face was fun!

But the making up of the arms and the ears was so fiddly! And as for stuffing it? It had this tiny hole to stuff it through and no matter what I did the legs didn't want to stay stuffed! It was a real relif to put the thing together, to sew the latch onto its back and have it finished!
My hands hurt so bad and it took me ALL DAY! By the end it was sheer stubbornness. I WILL complete this!

Brianna loves it which is I supposed all that matters but it will be a very long, long time before I stray from knitting again!

Keep Knitting :)