And here's hoping it's not too bumpy a ride! But on a plus side I've finished my first project for the year. I started the Cinnamon Grace Shawlette somewhere in December using some of the dyed yarn I'd been fooling around with. It's a well written pattern, very easy to follow and I'm really pleased with the results.
And one day I might even get brave enough to wash it carefully and then pin each and every one of these
dinky little picots at the edge out. But I'm not holding my breath! That would be a lot of work!
Now I just have to find the next project to do. I've already got a wish list knit from Brother's Fiancee for a Celtic Tote but I need to find a nice coloured wool that'll felt. I'll need to think on that for a little while.
Ah well, so much to do and a brand new year to do it!
Happy Knitting :)