Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I have a question to ask...

And I'd REALLY like some objective opinions.
I have an etsy shop where I was trying to sell my resin pendants and some knitted items.
I'm not at all gregarious or outgoing and I hoped that my pretties might attract people to look and buy without the terror associated with an actual craft fair.
Well, I was right in one aspect.
Lots of people looked...

Silver frame with glass slides holding a tatted motif in silk thread
...but hardly any bought. I think in the 3 or so years I've been on etsy,I've sold about 4 items and one of them I had to refund they're money. They sent it back because the colour wasn't actually what they wanted!
So, about 6 months ago I put my shop on vacation so I could regroup, find where I'd   stored all my goods in the last move (since it had been that long since I got any of them out!) and ponder if this was really worth the effort.
I try to buy gifts, when I can from etsy, because you can get really great unique items and I also try to buy any jewellery findings and pendant trays from etsy as well because I like to support other artisan crafters. But do I just suck at selling? Am I only a gifted technician and should leave the business of presenting my wares to more gifted individuals?
So the question I have is...should I shut up my etsy shop and try something else or get everything out, go through the trauma of photographing it all again and try to work out what I'm doing wrong??
I  keep making things and I only have a finite amouny of space to store them in! Any comments or advice would be invaluable!


  1. I love all and everything you make and don't understand it either xx

  2. I put most of the jewellery back up again. Let's see how it goes...
