I have actually finished stuff this week!
Isn't it pretty? But the back is nice too!
See? I used some of the yarn I used in the front to make the lines every 15th ridge of garter stitch so it lined up with the squares on the other side. Made it real easy to line up and sew together too so, bonus! Also, the first pic is with the flap edge tacked to the other back so it wouldn't stretch when I washed it and the second pic is with the tacking taken out. This is where I'll be able to shove the cushion insert...when I get one! I was really peeved when I found that the insert I had was too humongously huge to fit so now I'm itching to get one so I can bask in the gorgeousness when it's a proper cushion!
But this is not all! I have been puttering along with out any urgency on a fair isle pattern I got from The Knitter, Issue 56. It's called Alcott by
Mary Henderson and I ordered the yarn from
Jamieson & Smith so I got just what I needed. I've
been really enjoying this. It's challenging but
not too hard and I've reached the part where
I'm knitting the steek stitches for the v-neck
and the armholes. Imagine! I'm going to have
to cut these suckers later!! But this is how it
looked just as I started the steek stitches.
Isn't it nice? I love the interplay of all the colours. It's just so captivating!
Needless to say, while I'm knitting this, I'm not reading much. But while I was doing the cushion back I started going through my collection of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. I love these books!! And when I say I read through the series again...this is the series so far!
You know,..just a few.
I love the characters. I love the premise. I love that when my husband asks me what I'm reading (he's not a reader for pleasure) I can say "It's about this mechanic who can turn into a coyote who is in love with an Alpha Werewolf, her garage used to belong to a powerful fae metallurgist who can handle iron and also a vampire from the local vampire seethe. Oh, and the mechanic is a christian." The "wtf?" look on his face is priceless. But the books really include all that stuff. I love "What if..." stories, where the unexpected becomes the everyday!
I've ordered the next one for my birthday in May. I hope I continue to like it. I hate it when an author betrays its readers in an attempt to keep the tension mounting.
But now I'm doing the fair isle it's probably just as well I've finished the series again. I wasn't really very useful while I devoured the books. I could quite happily sit in one spot and do nothing but read for hours and hours. Not really a good idea. But a lot of fun!!
So there we are. Let's see what I'm doing next week.
Wanna see??
See you later!
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