I've been busy knitting since the felted slippers and the owl. Just lots of mindless knitting. I'm beginning to think I've got a few too many projects on the go at the moment though.
I made up this lovely Tassel Hat with a ball of Moda Vera Cardellino. Very quick knit and feels lovely. It's almost like having yarn plaits on either side of your face :)

I finally finished the October Nursing Shawl that I tried before but the yarns I used I could bear on my neck. The ones I used this time were from my dying experiment and they feel lovely! I stuck with the plain garter edge though instead of the ruffle because I don't really like it.

And I also finally tried the Skew Sock pattern from Ravelry. SO different! And so good! It fits so well and looks impressive too.
I made up this lovely Tassel Hat with a ball of Moda Vera Cardellino. Very quick knit and feels lovely. It's almost like having yarn plaits on either side of your face :)

I finally finished the October Nursing Shawl that I tried before but the yarns I used I could bear on my neck. The ones I used this time were from my dying experiment and they feel lovely! I stuck with the plain garter edge though instead of the ruffle because I don't really like it.

And I also finally tried the Skew Sock pattern from Ravelry. SO different! And so good! It fits so well and looks impressive too.

But while I've been doing these I've been slogging along with a seafoam scarf in a lovely varigated colouring which requires a bit of concentration. I'll get a better picture of it soon since I've managed to use up one ball of the Moda Vera Bouvardia and am onto the last ball. It'll make a nice sized scarf when I'm done.

But the thing that's been holding me up most is the Ribbed Lace Shrug. The lace pattern's not difficult, just fiddly with two yarn overs and I ended up having to put stitch markers all the way across even though the stitch pattern's only 4 stitches long! But it's one great big rectangle that seems to go on forever!!! I've got to get it to at least 18 inches long before I can start doing the rib pattern to finish it but I'm at 13 inches and that's only because I made myself sit and knit through Bones and Castle! (Good episodes though) I don't even care anymore if it fits or even if it'll look good on me. I'm knitting it now just to finish it and get rid of some of this fluffy acrylic! Totally over it unless when I finish it I find it actually looks nice. Who knows?

But while I'm ploughing on with that I'm also starting a Buttercup Top. It seems to go so much faster because there are sections of instructions to go through so I don't get too bored. But theres so much to do and so much yarn I can make into cool stuff. I don't think I'll ever get bored with knitting. Sigh :)
Happy Knitting :)
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