I pinched them off facebook!

But they are really sweet and I only took ones that had to do with Brianna and Aaron. The ones of him and his mum are personal. Nothing to do with me.

This is after the parade.

And the first Cheeseburger after about 6 weeks - just like Tony Stark :)

Brianna and Aaron in their first kitchen in their first home together. Sigh.
I wish I had a relationship with Aaron like I have with Ben, my eldest, or even not as close as Ben, like I have with David my brother. We don't agree on a lot of topics but we don't keep rubbing each others nose in it every time we meet. I always hoped I'd have a close relationship with my only daughter's partner and it makes me really sad that I don't. Especially since there are a lot of things I like about him and that I think he's acchieved HEAPS getting through the first part of his officer training. That takes no small amount of guts!
Oh well. I'm pleased that Brianna's happy though. I'd sacrifice a lot for that. Actually...I already have.
That was a very cool day, very chuffed he was. It was good to be able to see him in a different environment to usual. He was very formal. All the cadets were very well behaved. Was sad leaving WA though, especially after spending so much time at home, however I think deep down, you're grateful for the silence and Jordans sane mind. =P xx