Monday, 18 October 2010

My Pine Table

I've been wanting something to put over my pine dining table because we're kind of hard on it (it has lots of "character marks") and something that would be easier to clean since the bunps and scratches tend to collect dirt when you try and wipe it off.
So last Wednesday, while in Albany I went to Spotlight and bought 2 meters of clear vinyl and 1.5 meters of plastic matting that looks like crochet.

Took it all home.
After I cleaned the table carefully and positioned the plastic matting right down the center of the table, like a table runner and then I lay out the vinyl over it, cut off the excess and then stapled it to the underside of the table with an ordinary staple! Fortunately pine is a soft wood and I didn't have anything else. Also I hate dangling edges on table covers. Eased it over the corners. If I ever come across better fasteners or a more powerful stapler I might restaple the thing but it works so far :)

I've very happy with the results. My table not only looks pretty but it's protected and easier to clean and I don't have change and wash the table runner. And I think it only cost me about $30 and the time to get in on the table. Brilliant!

Project declared a resounding sucess :)

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