Saturday, 1 June 2013

Huzzah! I've done it!!

They are finished, oh happy day, they are done! Well, as far as the knitting is concerned any way. I love how they look! These cardigans were a real trial for me since I am very uncomfortable with intarsia. But look how nice they look! And they're both the same size!
The only bit I really was disappointed with was running out of the original blue and green. Since they yarn had been gifted there was no way I could just buy more. In the end I had to plunder the stash for the closest contender. The blue was almost right but you can definitely tell where the change over is an the top of the arms. The green...wasn't even close but was the best I could do. All my other acrylic greens were too dark. So I changed the edging to orange because I wasn't having the lime green instead. Now all I'm waiting for are the green zippers I ordered to arrive and the whole project will be 100% finished! Oh joy!!


  1. These are just awesome! Great work!

  2. Thank you. I've got to do an update since they were totally finished...zips and all!
