We were attending a farewell dinner at Hubbie's boss' place before they moved off on their transfer and there were a lot of other ladies and friends of the boss from Cranbrook where they used to work. I was knitting (as always!) and the subject came up about how much I knit and how I've never had much success at the markets and the ladies all said they'd buy stuff off me. So Jordan and I went back home, got my two large plastic boxes full of stuff and brought them back to the house. And did I have fun?!
The ladies went through all of them. I learnt a few things. If I want to sell slippers and mitts, or even gloves I have to stop sizing them to my bitty hands and feet! That men quite like the idea of warm hats and slippers. And that party plan selling is probably more beneficial than anything I've yet tried! By the end of the night I sold all these! It may have been more but I can't remember exactly.

I just stuffed the money in my pocket as the ladies chose things since I didn't think it was very polite to count it in front of them. After I'd packed everything up I took all the money out of my pocket and counted it all.
I had made $230!
And I still had $30 more coming for a pair of slippers commissioned by one of the men!
That's more money than I have EVER earned with my craft!!!
And I still had $30 more coming for a pair of slippers commissioned by one of the men!
That's more money than I have EVER earned with my craft!!!
I invested the money in a tagging machine and more wool. I feel so encouraged! I also sent about 20 items with the Postie at Cranbrook to see if they would sell.
Ah...I am so happy :)
Joyous Knitting :)
Ah...I am so happy :)
Joyous Knitting :)