Tuesday, 5 November 2019

When your output greatly exceeds your sales...

It's kind of discouraging. I won't lie!
My knitting output has ALWAYS exceeded my ability to give away or pass on the many items I make. My social discomfort usually means that unless the directions to send things to charities is VERY concrete and straight forward I won't even try. The potential for messing it up is too great and I just keep stockpiling while feeling faintly guilty that someone could be using the 17 beanies I knit 5 years ago if I was confident to send them somewhere where they would actually acknowledge they received them! Otherwise I worry about that too!
But with the toys I felt a certain amount of confidence. Unique handmade toys always resonate comfort to adults as well as children and the patterns I indulge in turn out DESPERATELY cute toys! I have had great success at different times, selling many bunnies but I've never managed to maintain the momentum.
I'm not a good self-promoter.
I don't have any money to put into promoting my goods.
And it's lovely to receive likes and kind comments from people on Instagram and Facebook about how lovely the toys are...
But no-one buys.
I thought I'd at least get nibbles at this time of year but so far it's been really quiet for months. 
I sold one custom order to America in October. $35aud. Not a lot for the last 3 months really.
I'm a technician. I know that. I love doing. I could make things till the cows come home. But I feel as exposed as a peeled prawn when I have to try and sell my things. I'm uncomfortable, embarrassed by the praise while slightly pleased but desperate to earn some money without exposing that desperation to the people browsing.
I'm not sure what will happen. I can't stop making things. It's a constant battle not to get terribly discouraged with my apparent inability to understand how technology and social media work together. But I'll keep plugging on...
...I'll cast on another toy project. And when I finish it, outfit and all, it will make me smile. Maybe someone else will feel that too when they see it in my shop....
...It could happen!
God Bless you all!