Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Sometimes It Just Doesn't Seem Fair....

Just as I seem to finally be able to sell some of my pretty things to a few local gift stores, Hubbie gets his transfer papers! Which is not a bad thing, it just complicates things a bit.
Carnamah will be an entirely new experience for all of us since Jordan probably wont be moving with us, he'll be moving to Perth instead to further his education. And we've never been posted so far from home before.
And it's going to be hot. Flat. Inland. Wheat country.
But on the upside I've been able to sell 13 of my resin and glass pendants to a specialty gift shop in Walpole called Arcadia Blue with the help of a lovely lady who was not only helpful but sooo encouraging! I also sold 8 to a beautiful gift store in Denmark called Karissma Gallery and Gifts. And I've recieved an email from another shop in Denmark, All About Me, where I left a sample piece and they'd like me to come back on Friday and maybe buy 6 off me. I'm actually starting to get anxious that I'm going to run out of stock!
So I've ordered more frames, glass and chain and I'm going to have to make myself get organised and pour more resin pendants before I run out! 
Oh, it's so nice to be doing something I love and being able to make a little money as well :)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Updated Pages

I've just finished updating what was the Market Day page. Now it's Stuff to Sell. I'll be putting all my stuff to sell there while I'm also trying to place some of them in stores. So stuff will come and go at times. I just need to try and make this look professional.
This is the latest label I have on the pendant boxes.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Here it comes...2012

Wow, I haven't posted in ages. I find it  hard to use this as a journal, especially when I can't think of anything to say. But!
I finally caved and took some of my pendants down to the only specialty gift store we have here and asked if she could sell them for me. She thought they were beautiful (which was nice) and said she's never seen anything like the tatting motifs in resin before (goody!). After fluffing around when she asked me how much I'd sell them for (what? you mean I should know that? Oh, er...) we settled on $9 each. She took 10 and before the day had finished she rang to say she'd already sold one! So that was very encouraging! Certainly more so than etsy where I haven't managed to shift a thing!
I got some different frames too. These are a lot easier to handle compared with the resin. Just glass slides in a frame with a piece of tatting trapped between. See how we go for the rest of the year. The lady suggested knitting some mitts and headbands and she'd have a look because they go quick during winter and she doesn't really like the cheapee chinese mass-produced ones.
This year could be an interesting one with lots of curly decisions popping up here and there. Youngest son is getting ready to embark on not one but two massive adventures. Moving to Perth and living almost independently as well as attending uni to further his education. For any other 17 almost 18 year old boy this would be daunting enough but with his Aspergers it throws one more variable into a mix already fraught with possible OMG moments! He's got the support of a lot of really good professionals and we're hoping to hear more back soon since the course he wants to enter begins Feb 21st.
Oh dear. Where's the brown paper bag. I think I'm starting to hyperventilate again!!!
Also Hubbie's two years is up here so he's starting to have to think about where we're likely to choose to be transfered to next. Not looking forward to that since anywhere we choose is bound to be a long way from here, from my parents and I'll probably have to find another job. I hate that!
But none of this has happened yet. 2012 is starting to look like another one of those pivitol years...
...I'm not sure I like that.
Ah well. There's always knitting :)