It's a project I've had in my queue for ages but I've never been quite brave enough to actually start it. Once I finished a few other projects from my queue I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a burl. I've been saving some reclaimed yarn for at least the last 7 years for a lace project so it's not like I've not had it in mind! So, despite having a deep fear that I might not be able to give it the concentration it needed, I cast on.
It was much easier than I imagined. The budding lace section was really very easy once I got into the swing on it and the yarn knit up lovely.
I had to stretch the lace out because left to itself it's really not that impressive!
I didn't really hit any problems of note until I started the lace with the nupps on it!
It didn't take me too long to decide I didn't like nupps! They require REALLY pointy knitting needles (which I didn't have!) so I had to do each one with the finest crochet hook I had that I use doing fine filet crochet !
And it was almost impossible to see whether I was making progress!
But eventually I finished, aburdly pleased to leave the nupps behind and looked at my finished creation...
Didn't look like much...
...rather like a large crumple spinach leaf really.
So I carefully washed it, got out my blocking wires and pinned it out on our spare bed and went to bed. It was nearly midnight, after all!
In the morning I went and looked at this amazing creation. So worth every irritation and frustration to be able to just look at it!
So beautiful! It's not very big, really only fit to drape round your shoulders like a triangulr scarf but it is so light and SO beautiful! I can just stare at it!
Can you tell I'm a little proud of my little project?
Happy Knitting :)